Home St. Militiae (Hunting Season), 2010
5m x 4m
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The first innocent impression is that of a beautiful baroque ceiling of a castle or mansion.
However, upon closer inspection all the horrific details of war are uncovered. Each golden
ornament depicts fire arms, tanks, and munition, culminating in the colourful center into an
accumulation of corpses. Although the work thematizes the ongoing war and terror around
the world, it is not about taking sides and finding a guilty party. Soldiers, innocent bystanders,
males, females, children, faceless representatives of every skin colour are all thrown together
into one conglomeration of death. What the work really questions is the role the arms industry
is playing in the world-wide scenario. Each weapon and/or munition which is sold contributes
toward a profit which is so enormous that it might be characterized as “bathing in gold.” The
only happy faces seen in the work, therefore, are those of the armed angels parading around
and controlling the structure.